Janelle Drumwright

Something that shimmers, flutters, roars.


As a blogger for Carve Magazine, I wrote a number of articles on writing, critique, narrative technique, and submitting work to literary magazines.

How to Properly Format Your Prose Submission
Proper formatting will not only make your work look more professional, but it will also make it easier to read for editors and readers who are reviewing your work.

4 Mistakes You're Making in Your Cover Letter
Although no two cover letters are exactly alike, there are certain mistakes that seem to surface over and over again.

A Personal Rejection from Carve: The 7 Stages of Grief
Some rejections are harder to shake, often because we were that close to an acceptance.

4 Ways I Trick Myself into Writing (That Might Work for You Too)
Let’s be honest: Writing is hard. And because of that, it can sometimes be a struggle to make ourselves do it.

Powers and Perils of Writing in Third Person
Writing in third person can be both liberating and overwhelming. Here's how you can leverage this freedom (and not be intimidated by it).

5 Tips for Giving Better Critique
While surrounding ourselves with people who can offer insightful feedback is essential, it’s also important that we hone this skill ourselves.

Five (±New Year's) Resolutions for Writers
Whether you read this in January or July, the following resolutions for writers are a combination of things I strive for personally and also encourage others to do.

The Perks and Pitfalls of Writing in First Person
What do we gain and what do we give up when using that ever-enticing "I" pronoun?

You, Dear Writer, Are Not the Narrator*
Although you, the writer, are indeed doing the writing, your narrator is the one telling the story. And that narrator is not you.

Winner of Carve’s first annual blog post contest